Friday, September 16, 2011

Let's Save Europe

Imagine for just a moment that there is a privately owned organization in the United States that controls the entire money supply and therefore economy of this country.  They can create U.S. dollars out of thin air whenever it wants.  Imagine this organization is never elected by the American people and is never accountable to anyone – not to the president or to Congress.  Imagine that this organization can operate in complete secrecy and can make loans to banks, foreign governments, and even close friends without anyone being able to do anything about it.

Well imagine no longer.  This organization is called the Federal Reserve.  While most people think this organization exists for the benefit of the country, they don’t.  They exist for the benefit of the banks.  They are entirely unauditable and can do whatever they want whenever they want.  They answer to no one.

And now they have decided to bail out Europe.  They are going to loan huge piles of money to commercial banks in Europe.  Did I mention that 57% of the shares of the Federal Reserve are reportedly owned by the Rothschild banking family of Europe?

If you don’t like this – tough.  There is nothing you can do about it.  Neither can President Obama.  Neither can congress.  Neither can the Supreme Court.  The Federal Reserve can do whatever it wants to and they simply don’t care whether you like it or not.

Of course the billions and probably trillions of dollars that will be lent are going to be printed.  We’ll never know how much, because they don’t have to tell us.  This means inflation and higher prices for you.  After all, this has to be paid by somebody and the Fed has decided you are going to be the one.

The only thing we can do, is to eliminate the Federal Reserve.  If you haven’t read Ron Paul’s book, End the Fed, I encourage you to do so.

There are a number of conspiracy theories regarding the Federal Reserve.  When America was first established, the Rothschild’s pushed hard for a central bank.  One was established under George Washington with a 20 year charter.  John Quincy Adams refused to renew the charter 20 years later, thus ending the First Bank of America.  The Rothschild’s were terribly upset and the conspiracy theory is that they pushed Britain into starting the War of 1812 in an effort to put America into debt.
After the war, and with huge war debts, a second central bank was established called the Second Bank of America.  Also with a 20 year charter.  Andrew Jackson made it his personal mission to “kill the bank” as he called it.  And he finally ended the central bank after surviving an assassination attempt he claimed was planned by the Rothschild’s.
It wasn’t until 1913 that the Rothschild family succeeded in creating the current Federal Reserve and thus taking over the United States economy.
John Kennedy attempted to circumvent the Federal Reserve when he signed, by executive order, a law to have the U.S. Treasury print the dollar instead of the Federal Reserve.  He was assassinated shortly thereafter and the executive order died unimplemented.
The Federal Reserve has systematically been stealing money from the American people ever since 1913 by creating boom and bust cycles of inflation and then deflation.  I’m not going to go into how they do this, but trust me that they do it.  Read Ron Paul’s book, End the Fed, for details.
And now the Fed is going to save Europe.  And you get to pay for it.  If you haven’t prepared for inflation, you should begin to do so.

Friday, September 2, 2011

America: A Country Ruled by Bankers

 I know.  You thought the people ruled this country.  After all we can vote out our politicians and replace them with others.  How naïve you are.

If you control the money supply, you control the power to run the country.  And the banks control the money supply.  The people gave up that power back in 1913 when the Federal Reserve was created. 

The Federal Reserve is not a government agency.  It is not owned by the U.S. government.  It is owned by the member banks of the Federal Reserve.  These banks are either corporately owned (some by international or foreign corporations) or are privately owned (again some by international or foreign individuals).

The Federal Reserve, by law, operates independently of the U.S. Government.  In fact, as of this point, the government is not even allowed to audit the Fed to determine exactly what they are doing.  The Fed controls all of the gold in Fort Knox – and no one knows how much is actually there any more.  The Fed controls the printing press and has the authority to print up more money at any time they see fit.  They have unlimited power of the money supply of the United States.  And they conduct their affairs in secret.

Anytime they wish to steal money from the citizens and hand it to the banks to be distributed as they see fit (in other words, outrageous bonuses to the top executives) they do so.  They have several tools to do this such as creating inflation, creating boom and bust cycles, and printing money and handing it out to the banks.

They keep their member banks from failing by more bailouts.  All the while these banks continue to steal money from the American public.

Goldman Sachs, one of the six “too big to fail banks” (the others being Citigroup, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, and Morgan Stanley) recently got fined for selling investments to the public while at the same time betting those investments would go bad.  They made trillions of dollars selling these investments and yet their fine was a very paltry number in the millions.

Now it seems Goldman Sachs is at it again.  On one hand, they are telling their customers everything is going to be fine in our economy.  On the other hand, the Wall Street Journal recently got hold of a secret report intended for Goldman Sachs largest clients where they advise that the economy is fixing to collapse.

They never learn.  But there is no reason for them to.  They keep getting away with it.  After all, Goldman Sachs was President Obama’s second largest campaign contributor.  I’m sure he’ll do nothing to them in spite of his rhetoric.  Plus his cabinet as well as government regulatory authorities (such as the SEC and the CFTC) are littered with ex-Goldman Sachs executives.

Sadly, the power of the “too big to fail” banks continues to grow.  At this point, the “big six” possess assets equivalent to approximately 60 percent of America’s gross national product.

We have a financial system that is deeply, deeply corrupt.  And this corruption is a major reason why things are falling apart.

America’s only hope, even after the crash, is to elect someone that will do away with the Federal Reserve and allow the “too big to fail” banks to fail.